Get a quick overview of existing backup instances
Working with a staging & a production server? We got you covered!
Start your Snapshot Now or on a certain Date and Time based on your needs
Set up a Snapshot once and you don’t even need to worry about it anymore, because it all happens automagically
Easily track all backup tasks and always know what the current status of your latest backup is
supports a plethora of cloud services, including (s)FTP accounts, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Copy.com etc
run a live check on your server settings and immediately flags any potential issues
Pick up custom Folders or Files for each Snapshot or select all of them with one click
Native WordPress Tables & other than Native Tables, excluding any Table from the list
Store multiple Versions of each Snapshot to have a History Backup
Set up email notifications for certain actions or situations
Some useful data about your current System, last Snapshots or used Destinations
If you need any help, a dedicated team is set to handle all the support requests
Built to work with any custom Theme without structure conflicts.
The ONLY Plugin on CodeCanyon to Offer a Streamlined Backup Experience
With over 40 features available, is pretty easy to cover any desires and particular cases to have a single backup instance, or as many as you’d like, all stored on the same server, or the cloud service of your choice.
We’re extremely proud to announce that WP SuperBackup allows you to do just that!
Working on your site is always a lengthy and cumbersome process, and it would be a pity for all your hard work to go to waste because of a misconfiguration or error that’s perhaps not even your fault!
Having a trustworthy backup solution in place can help you prevent that. This is where our plugin comes into play.
Creating a new Snapshot is as easy as pressing a button, literally! All you need is provide a name, and select one of the predefined destinations, and you’re good to go in just a few seconds.
This plugin allows you to back up all your WordPress, as well as non-WP files immediately, to your own cloud, or on the same server, for safe keeping and easy restoration and much, much more!
The Migrate panel allows you to easily migrate a different backup onto your current working server. This allows you to import a pre-existing backup, either from your own hard drive, or an external URL. With extensive settings we’ve ensured that you have full control over what is migrated, so that you can rest assured that the migration will not break your current installation, before you even hit the button!
With our Super Smooth Dashboard you have a clear overview of all your existing backups, where they’re stored, how much space they occupy, as well as a view of when the latest backup occurred.
The Dashboard also helps you keep an eye on your available resources so you can take appropriate measures ahead of time!
WP SuperBackup allows you to have a single backup instance, or as many as you’d like, all stored on the same server, or the cloud service of your choice.
We currently support: Same Server, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Rackspace, OneDrive, Copy.com, (S)FTP, Dropbox.